Freestanding shelving system

by ON&ON


好的設計不僅恆久留存,更可以影響後世,像上頭這套來自ON&ON的「Freestanding shelving system」,其追求簡單直覺的使用方式,並且強調是能使用一輩子的品質,就令人不禁憶起Dieter Rams在Vistoe時期,所設計的種種收納組裝系列。這裡不是想說誰抄襲誰,而倒是一種承先啟后的理念,由前人帶來的啟示中,繼續延伸出屬於當代的美好設計。

ON&ON是來自英國的傢俱設計公司,其在2013年推出過的「shelving system」,強調自由的組合方式,以及,獲得設計界和消費者一致好評。事隔七年後,他們帶來這套不必鑲嵌牆壁,而能自成一體的「Freestanding shelving system」。這套系統推出一大、一小兩種尺寸,消費者可按個人需求,決定是否加上門板。而無論是下部的層架,抑或是櫃頂的平面空間,都是容許用家貯放置物的空間。而因為設計式樣簡約,所以無論是用於睡床旁邊的小茶几,抑或是擺在客廳放雜誌報刊、電視音響組合配件等,都相當的合適。

特別值得一提的是,這套「Freestanding shelving system」以回收的鋁金屬,以及品牌倉庫中的邊角料製作而成。既提供能用一輩子的品質保證,同時在生產時就不製造多餘廢料,似乎也是當今設計品牌,在設計、生產等各個工序上,都務必迎合的一種趨勢。

Good designs not only last forever, they can also be an inspiration to future designs. Take the example of the universal shelving system designed by Dieter Rams for Vitsœ, it is a source of inspiration to a lot of modern and contemporary designs. One of the examples is the freestanding shelving system by ON&ON, a simple and uncomplicated storing solution that won’t date and will last a lifetime.

ON&ON is a British design and manufacturing company. In 2013, they launched an adjustable and modular shelving system which is highly lauded by the design community and consumers. Seven years later, they came back with a new range of freestanding shelving systems with a pair of side tables in two different heights that can be fitted either with or without fold-down doors. The freestanding storage solution comes with plenty of storage space, and can be used as anything from a bedside table to a sideboard for storing magazines and newspapers, or a television stand.

A noteworthy feature of the freestanding shelving systems is that they are made of recycled aluminium or off-cuts from its own factory’s production processes. With a quality that can last for a lifetime and a mission to minimize production waste, ON&ON is leading the trends in modern designing.
