If Dieter Rams Made Stationery

Stilform pen

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談到當代的極簡設計時,我們實在很難繞過不談Dieter Rams的作品,以及他舉出的「設計十誡」對整個設計圈的影響。就好比在最近,我在搜尋德國Arc推出的「Stilform pen」的時候,許多評論竟不約而同地指出,這是一支謹守Dieter Rams設計原則的筆具,觀乎從其光潔的外形,嶄新的筆蓋設計,而始終保持一種去無存菁的設計理念,也難怪大家會有這樣的聯想。

5年前從Kickstarter上募資成功,「Stilform pen」是來自德國同名設計公司Stilform的出品,甫釋出設計時即引來巨大迥響,並先後獲得2016年紅點獎、2018年Good Design Award和2019年German Design Award。筆桿採用全金屬設計,分別有鋁金屬和鈦金屬的選項,而雖然外表光溜溜,未必能一眼看出門道,但仔細研究還是會及發現各式各樣的設計巧思。不同於旋轉式和按動式露出筆尖的結構,「Stilform pen」應用磁吸技術,只消把筆桿往回拉即露出筆尖,同時磁力會吸附筆桿,除非用人手拉開或推動,否則不易甩動鬆脫。

When one talks about contemporary minimalism, one must talk about Dieter Rams – and the impact of his ten principles for good design. Whilst researching Stilform’s Arc Pen, for instance, it was common for online reviews to reference Rams’ tenets, championing the gel pen’s sleek design and innovative cap as the embodiment of Rams’ vision.

Backed by a successful Kickstarter campaign five years ago, the Stilform Pen is the flagship creation of the German brand Stilform. The highly lauded design was a recipient of numerous design awards, including the 2016 Red Dot Design Award, the 2018 Good Design Award, and the 2019 German Design Award. The shaft, precision-machined from high-grade titanium or aluminium, is deceptively minimalist: the novel magnetic closure provides added security but also lets you open and close the pen with a simple motion – without having to twist or push the cap.


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在「Stilform pen」之外,Stilform也有擁出走珠筆的「ARC Pen」和鋼筆款,兩者同樣活用磁吸技術,當中團隊為「ARC Pen」設計了得意的「雙向較準設計」,雖然重用回傳統的筆蓋,但得益於磁吸技術,只用手指頭輕推即可甩走筆蓋,同時可放到筆桿尾部吸磁穩固。此外多邊形的筆桿,也能防止筆從桌子滾動。

至於最新推出的鋼筆款,則是由德國Peter Bock代工的筆尖,同樣有防滾動筆桿設計,而雖然頂部不能像「ARC Pen」般吸住筆蓋,卻在書寫穩定度和防摔應用方面下苦工,不似傳統鋼筆般需要悉心愛護,而是一支經得起跌碰的現代鋼筆。另外,Stilform其實也有推出各種對應的配件,像是可拆卸的筆夾,以及同樣是全金屬結構的紙鎮等,以配合用家的各種書寫情景。回頭文章開頭,看著這幾支滿滿是Dieter Rams設計影子的筆款,想到如果當初Dieter Rams不設計電器和傢俱,而往文具設計領域發展的話,可能最終交出的設計方案,也會跟眼前這支「Stilform pen」相去不遠吧。

Stilform’s other creations include the ballpoint Arc Pen and the INK fountain pen. Whilst both designs make use of the magnetic self-aligning and closing technology, the Arc Pen stands out with its 4-pole magnetic alignment and cap posting, which makes opening and closing the pen even easier. The chamfered surface along the pen body works as an effective anti-roll design and guarantees a good grip when you are fidgeting the pen.

The newest INK fountain pen features a pre-assembled steel nib by Peter Bock (Germany). It also comes in an anti-roll design – and where it lacks in cap security compared to the Arc Pen, it makes up with great balance and super durability. Unlike traditional fountain pens, the all-metal construction of Stilform’s fountain pen takes falls like a champ. Innovation also sets the scene for writing with accessories such as detachable pen clips and titanium bases – which simultaneously fashion as pen holders and paperweights.

Had Dieter Rams established a household name in stationery instead of industrial and furniture design, he probably would have come up with the Stilform pen himself.


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