The Solemn Stone

Heavy Stone by Studio Pneuma

Studio Pneuma1


Stone is the earliest known tool used by humans. Although it is not as exquisite as ceramic, nor as robust as iron, it has a solemn appearance and feel that is unique in its own way. Some might attribute such solemnity to the stone’s heavy weight, and some associate it with the stone’s outward appearance, whether it is polished or not. When held slightly above the eye-level, a stone will often glow, as if it is sacred, producing alluring admiration in the viewer.

Studio Pneuma來自丹麥的哥本哈根的香薰品牌,商品包括香薰精華和香薰座,這個名為「Heavy Objects」的香薰座系列以石器打造,一如其名,視覺上既是充滿份量感,但弧型線條又讓人感覺軟柔,仿似是人體的肌肉和皮膚。「Heavy Objects」以完整一塊石頭啄磨打造,得益於石頭本身會蓄熱的特性,使用時先把石頭預熱,接著把精油淋在中央的地方,待精油自然揮發於四周的空氣中,讓神經得以放鬆。就算是不使用,也能把它擱在客廳和睡房中,靜靜地看著也能緩和心情,是一個從視覺到嗅覺,都能讓你放鬆的工藝品。

Copenhagen-based Studio Pneuma creates a variety of fragrances and stone objects. Their Pneuma Heavy Object is a series that consists of tactile pieces crafted in solid stone that resemble the soft yet firm and muscular expressions of the human body. If you place one of the pieces from the Heavy Object series in a heated area and then apply it with fragrance, the thermal storage properties of the natural stone will enhance the evaporation of fragrance and intensify the spatial smell experience. The Heavy Object also functions as a decorative piece that brings peace and tranquility into the household.
