
As Forgiving As Apple Crumble

Apple Crumble with Custard

  • Words & Photography / Jo


朋友在旁聽着,離開診症室後,她說那些都是超出醫生範圍該說的事,理應投訴他才對,又問我怎麼能被罵成這樣都不生氣,好不佩服云云。「他所說難聽的話都是源自自己的情緒,話都是說給自己聽的啊。他口中指責的人不是我,沒甚麼好生氣。而且,他出發點也是想我好起來,應該是吧。」 我輕鬆的說。我只是想像醫生經歷了甚麼,會跟病人說出那種令人難堪的話。






Back in the room I told my doctor that the new prescription didn’t seem working and how my symptoms worsened. He asked a few questions and decided that it’s my own issue, nothing to do with the diagnosis and medicine. He then chided me for a good while. I sat and listened to his reprimand, and gave a “yea”, “right” and, sporadically, faint grins.

My friend, being in the same room, said afterwards what the doctor said was so out of the line and I should file a complaint. She asked in awe how could I not be mad for all his accusations. “Every terrible thing he said was from his emotion and was for himself. Whoever he was accusing was not me, so, nothing to be mad about. Besides, all he wanted was me to recover soon. I think so.”, I said lightly. What I had in mind was, however, what the doctor had been through for him to make such embarrassing comments to his patient.

What one says reveals his or her inner world and one’s perspective towards the others. Messages encoded in an utterance tell more than words; everything is translated between lines. Of course, I had no clue about what the doctor had been through, but it was probably hard for him. He might too hear the same disturbing judgements. Emotions unprocessed, we live on carrying it. Not letting go, we then live on seeing the world with a filter of delusion, obscuring how we see our real self and the surroundings and taking up the space needed to heal our past. Growing up we learn to be strict on ourselves while forgiving others. Why couldn’t we now be more lenient with ourselves, with the persons who grew up in all sorts of expectations and limitations?


I was not fuming about the perplexing judgements but, still, flabbergasted. I wanted something sweet after I got home. Flour, butter and sugar were pantry staples. With some apples that had been sitting in the kitchen for I don’t know how long, and one of which had a deep wound that was probably caused during picking. Apple crumble it is. This is a simple dessert that only needs the four ingredients mentioned. Use pear, stone fruit or even banana if you do not have apples on hand. Add a dash of cinnamon if you have the spice, a handful of dried fruit if you desire. Topping it with ice cream or custard will simply double the happiness. Dice the apples and give them a quick simmer. Rub the flour, sugar and cold butter together and sprinkle the mixture onto the apples. Stick it into the oven, air-fryer or toaster and bake until the crumbles turn golden. Totally no brainer and very forgiving. In 20 minutes, you have a heartwarming dessert which tastes even merrier on cold days.

I put a spoonful of apple crumble drenched in warm custard into mouth. So sweet. I chewed on the soft apple and crunchy, buttery crumbles. Asomeone who couldn’t sing at all, I couldn’t help but humming broken tunes, and thought “hmm, really no biggie.”

Some food brings me instantly relieve and makes me think that there is nothing in the world I cannot get over with and that “nothing in life really matters that much”. For me, those dishes are pasta Bolognese with a touch of heat (you have to eat it in really big gulps for that comforting effect) and apple crumble fresh from the oven. I hope everyone has found that dish that brings you relief and comfort, freeing up heart space for you to make peace with yourself.



中型蘋果 2個
黃糖 2湯匙
中筋麵粉 1湯匙
肉桂粉 適量

中筋麵粉 50克
黃糖 1.5湯匙
無鹽牛油 25克
海鹽 一小撮



  1. 焗爐預熱至190℃。
  2. 蘋果去皮切小粒,放到小鍋內,與麵粉、糖和肉桂粉拌勻,蓋上鍋蓋,以中火煮5 – 8 分鐘至略軟,間中攪拌,若太乾可略加清水。
  3. 凍牛油切粒,與麵粉、糖及鹽同放大碗內,以指尖快速將材料掐成濕沙狀。
  4. 蘋果粒放到焗盆裏,鋪上麵粉牛油混合物,焗約 20 分鐘至表面金黃即可,伴以暖奶酪同吃。

Apple Crumble with Custard

For apple filling
Medium apples 2 pieces
Brown sugar 2 tablespoons
All-purpose flour 1 tablespoon
Cinnamon powder A dash

For the crumble
All-purpose flour 100g
Brown sugar 1.5 tablespoons
Unsalted butter 25g
Sea salt A pinch

For custard recipe, you can refer to here.


  1. Preheat the oven to 190℃。
  2. Peel and dice the apples, put them into a saucepan with flour, sugar and cinnamon powder, and mix well. Simmer it with lid on over medium heat for 5 – 8 minutes until the fruit softens a little. Give it a stir occasionally. Add a splash of water if the mixture is too dry.
  3. Dice the cold butter, quickly rub it with flour, sugar and sea salt with your fingertips until it forms a texture that resembles wet sand.
  4. Place the apple in a baking tray and sprinkle the crumble on top. Bake for 20 minutes or until the crumble has turned golden. Serve it with warm custard.

Jo Liu

It’s raining outside, crisp and bleak. Three chubby sparrows took shelter on my balcony and I gave them the baguette bits left on my breakfast plate but they flew away. I stayed in, played Damien Rice on vinyl and made apple crumble. Repeat.

Instagram: foodialoguehk
