The Repair Shop_01

Embrace the Slowness

Rachel Meade Smith

「縫補是慢下來了解一件衣服的親密時刻,想像觸摸著它的手和穿著它的身體;總括而言,我發覺縫補是一種力量,教曉我在生活中更能自力更生。」身兼作家、編輯、研究雙生兒的口述歷史學者、縫補師和布藝藝術家的 Rachel Meade Smith 説。


“A time to be slow, to get to know a garment intimately, to think about the hands that have touched it and the bodies that have worn it. In general, I’ve found repair to be an empowering act, and has taught me to be more self-reliant in life.” Rachel Meade Smith who is a writer, an editor, a novice oral historian who studies twins, repair and textile artist, said.

“Don’t be too precise. Improvise. Let yourself be inspired by the damage. Save your scraps and use them. Embrace the slowness.” This is her response when I asked her what she has learned from mending.

Jared 的冷外套


Jared’s cardigan:

“I worked on this for many weeks. I didn’t think I’d be able to mend the sleeves and had planned not to, but I couldn’t help but try. I improvised some new tensioning devices and somehow figured it out. I missed this project when I was done.”

Dan 的毛衣


Dan’s sweater:

“I split the holes in this one down the middle, and darned one half red and the other cream. This project also took a long time—there were many, many holes. Darning cashmere is lovely, darning cable knits is less lovely, since the grid is always disappearing on you.”


Stephanie 的毛衣


Stephanie’s sweater:

“This had a palm-sized hole in it. I quickly realized it was too big to darn and decided to knit a matching patch instead. I found a very, very close match for the yarn, knit a patch slightly bigger than the hole, then darned around the edges, sashiko style, in contrast colors. It created a weird and very distinctive composition.”

身兼多職的Rachel,和好朋友同是縫補愛好者的Sam ,對可循環和慢速式的生產和消費模式特別感興趣,二人鑽研縫補多年,在 2021 年她們開始每月舉辦織補工作坊,大部分是在線上的,而整個 2022 年,她們就與布魯克林公共圖書館合作策劃,找來紐約各地的縫補達人,在紐約公共圖書館舉辦一系列的實體工作坊。

「我們的 Repair Shop (縫補店)沒有實體店,偶爾會接受委托項目 ,有時我們會合力完成,有時也會各自獨立處理一件作品。」



Rachel wears many different hats, she shared a love of mending, specifically darning, and an interest in circular and slow approaches to production and consumption with her good friend Sam. They’ve both been mending for a number of years and started hosting monthly darning workshops in 2021, mostly online. They spent all of 2022 partnering with the Brooklyn Public Library to curate, plan, and produce repair workshops featuring repair experts from across New York, and are currently finishing up an in-person mending series at New York Public Library.

“Our Repair shop doesn’t have a physical store, we occasionally take select commissions—sometimes we both contribute, other times one of us to work on a piece independently.”

“I try to emphasize that yes, repair is slow, and that’s part of the beauty of it. We move so fast the rest of the time. Enjoy the process, put on a podcast. Of course you could go buy something new in 15 minutes, but then you’ll just have a new shirt, a new sweater. When you finish a repair you have a lot more than that.”

“My hope is that the social media platforms tank, the trend cycles slow down, and people start wearing and fixing what they have or swapping with others. I pray that repair isn’t a trend that people throw away next season. In general, I’d love to see a dominant fashion market based on second-hand clothing, better regulations on textile production, and repair skills taught in every school.”

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Rachel was in a residency programme at LMCC (Lower Manhattan Cultural Council) in New York.

(Photo by Whitney Browne )
