


19世紀一位代表德國唯心主義的哲學家Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(格奧爾格·威廉·弗里德里希·黑格爾)發現:「時代潮流是處於時間跳躍和循環的狀態。」



“The trend of the times is in a state of time leap and loop.” It was discovered by a philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who represents German idealism in the 19th century.

As we view a spiral staircase from the side, it rises from the bottom to the top, but viewed from right above it, it spirals forth from the centre. The spiral progress put forth by Hegel asserts that as things change and evolve, in the process they steer towards the origin.

Changing the viewpoint, looking back and returning to the origin may be a great hint for designing the future.

Yuya Kobayashi(小林佑也)深受黑格爾的螺旋發展理論所啟發,在2009年為製作室取名RIFATTO,意大利文的意思是Remake(再造),以傳統的boro(襤褸)和sashiko(刺子繡)的方式,再加上染、洗、削、縫等工藝,在小小的製作室默默地改造創作,10年間,單憑自己一雙手和自學的縫紉技術,已改造了約1000件衣物了!

「1960年代在美國冒起了反主流文化,人們在1970 年代以嬉皮士的身份開展這場運動,黑人解放運動、婦女解放運動、反戰運動⋯⋯以及自然主導、反​​理性主導等,一股反對當時現有文化和姿態的力量,以及質疑所有常識的想法給了我很大的啟發。所以我最喜歡的是嬉皮文化、音樂、藝術和軍事背景的衣服。而日本『禪』的精神對當時的嬉皮士的影響也很大,禪心侘寂 —— 日本的審美意識之一,一種自然而自由的嬉皮文化理念,帶著作為日本人的自豪感,我想通過我的再造向世界表達這種美感。」

Yuya Kobayashi was deeply inspired by Hegel’s concept of spiral progress. In 2019, he named his production house RIFATTO, meaning “remake” in Italian. Using traditional boro and the sashiko method, coupled with dying, washing, shaving, sewing and other such crafts, he remakes and creates humbly in his tiny studio. In 10 years, and with only his mere hands and self-taught stitching skills, he has remade about 1000 pieces of clothes!

“The 1960s gave rise to counterculture in the United States. In the 1970s, people became hippies and began this movement. The civil rights movement, the feminist movement, the anti-war movement… and naturalism, anti-intellectualism, etc. This power that went against existing cultures and postures at the time and the idea of questioning all common knowledge gave me great enlightenment. As such, my favourites are the culture, music and art of hippies and military clothings. The Japanese Zen spirit had a huge influence on hippies at the time too. Wabi-sabi, a kind of Japanese aesthetic sense, and the kind of natural, free ideas of hippie culture, carried with Japanese pride, I want to express this aesthetics to the world through the items I remake.”



「我認為舊衣服沒有相同的故事,即使是同樣的舊衣服,也有不同的歷史,這取決於穿它的人 —— 它可能是在工作時穿的,可能是在第一次約會時穿的,可能是在第一次發薪水時買的。我想通過我的再造來創造一個可持續的服裝循環,並加上新故事,將它們與下一個人聯繫起來。在 Instagram 上的DM對話中,傾聽客人的要求,同時分享圖像和氛圍,最有趣之處是有時客人提出了我從沒想過的點子,那一刻使我樂在其中。」

“I imagined a man who roams the world when I created this jacket. There are 18 countries hidden within, the country flags on the jacket were those used during the 1972 Sapporo Olympics. They were repaired with a sewing machine and given a rustic treatment with sashiko.”

“I think the stories behind any old clothes are never the same, even the same vintage clothes have different histories. It all depends on the people who wore them – it could have been worn at work, or worn on a first date, or bought with someone’s first salary. I want to create a sustainable fashion cycle through my remaking, to add new stories and connect them with the people to come. When I am on Instagram DM conversations, listening to clients’ requirements and sharing pictures and moods at the same time, what is most intriguing is when a client raises ideas that never crossed my mind. That is a moment that I take pleasure in.”

這間工作室在上年,安靜地在沖繩南城市掛起旗幟,把工作室擴張成店舖,偶爾舉辦活動和拍攝製作短片,宣揚4R + Remake(減廢、重用、循環再造、修補 + 重塑)的理念。


Last year, the studio quietly hoisted a flag in Nanjō City, Okinawa. It was expanded into a shop that occasionally holds events and produces short videos to promote the ideas of 4R + Remake (Reduce, reuse, recycle, repair + remake).

“I would look for vintage fabrics across Japan, especially tattered fabrics with more than 100 years of history, and I would use the crafts of sashiko and boro to alter them.”




“This pair of jeans was custom-made with bandanas and vintage Japanese fabrics. How splendid it is to use an item over a long period of time, it is great for the environment too! Although things have their lifespan, I believe that we can extend it through remaking. By presenting the aesthetics of boro, I transcend the limits of these jeans’ lifespan.”

“The amount of items I have remade is indeed too small for the improvement of the environmental problem worldwide, but I think to create an opportunity for even just one person to reflect on environmental sustainability is nonetheless a great thing.”


405-1 Tamagusuku Yakabu, Okinawa.
