
Comfort for One

  • Words & Photograhy / Jo










I don’t even recall how it began or why this happened.

At an izakaya we talked about relationships, career, astrology, his buddy and my bestie, but it was him who talked mostly, and I listened most of time, sharing my two cents and experience when the moment was right. And, he was an acquaintance who I just met. We shared an evening and some overpriced small plates.

She shared her childhood over banh mi and coffee which was overly bitter – constant moving home, loneliness, sense of abandonment, a need of validation, struggle as an artist. We continued the discussion on alternative healing, energy, astrology, overrated cafés and rental in Hong Kong over canelés and madeleines. It was the first time we actually sat down and talked face to face, so I recalled. A few mores of such have followed since.

Somehow my introverted quality and notorious unfriendly face I was born with has been inviting people I know, do not know so well, and even newly met to open up. Maybe it is easier to talk to a stranger who does not cross paths in real life? I am a good listener, that I know. Yet it is still amusing to me that people would come to me to talk, and food always plays a substantial role in it every time.

We explored cafés and bistros, old and new, but dining at my place is not uncommon either. I tried to cook whatever dishes they desire, or they let it be my call, like omakase. In daytime, we usually had my homemade sourdough toast blanketed with buttery scrambled eggs. Rustic, unadorned sponge cake with vanilla Chantilly, plus a cup of good French tea could never go wrong. It could also be a full course of homey Cantonese dinner with a meat dish, vegetable dish, steamed fish, and rich soup simmered for an afternoon. Sometimes, it is a simple bowl of silky congee where you could not see a single grain of rice in it after hours of boiling on stove. I would cook anything them; mix and match as we please and the dishes do not necessarily have to go together as long as they enjoy the food.


Over the dinner table they would talk about anything. Resonance seemed to be the common thread that wove through these intimate conversations. As we shared our stories and thoughts, there was a palpable connection that went beyond mere words. It was as if our souls were resonating with each other, finding solace and understanding in the midst of our shared vulnerabilities in humanity.

Food became the conduit for this reverberation, stirring memories and emotions. Sharing soulful food has become a way to nourish our minds. It was a reminder that human connectedness could be found in the simplest of gestures, like sharing a meal. The izakaya, the banh mi shop, the cafes, and the dining table at my place turned into sanctuaries, where we could reveal our true selves. In those moments, it didn’t matter if we were strangers or acquaintances; what mattered was the shared experience of being seen and heard.

Through these encounters, I deeply feel that there is a profound beauty in the power of human connection. We all have stories to tell, experiences to share, and wisdom to impart. And when we come together with open hearts and minds, we create a space where empathy and understanding can flourish.

I hope, out of my wildest dream, one day I can create a space one that transcends boundaries, where people I know and those I have yet to meet can come to savour any food they desire, one person at a time. Within these walls, I would prepare the food that caters to their deepest cravings, while they open up with their stories and thoughts, and feel deeply relieved when leaving the space. In this vast and chaotic world, some people are born to be a hero saving the world; however, as someone without superpower, I hope to be an ordinary person that you feel comfortable to spend a dinner with and tell me your constellation of stories.




雞腿肉 130克
茄子 120克
鹽麴 1茶匙
粟粉 1大湯匙
辣豆瓣醬 1茶匙
栗粉水 1湯匙
油 ¾ 杯


  1. 雞腿肉印乾,連皮切成一口大小,加鹽麴拌勻,醃半小時。
  2. 茄子洗淨抹乾,切去頭尾,切角。
  3. 油倒入鍋裏,大概一厘米深。中火煮熱油後,放入茄子半煎炸,朝下那面炸成金黃色後,將茄子翻面,全部都炸成金黃後,撈起備用。
  4. 炸茄子時,同時給雞肉裹上粟粉,茄子炸好後,放入雞肉,中火半煎半炸,炸成金黃色,撈起備用。
  5. 將油倒出,將茄子及雞肉放回鍋裏,加豆瓣醬後快速炒勻後,再加入栗粉水炒勻即可。豆瓣醬鹹度及辣度因品牌而異,可自行調整份量。


番茄 300克
雞蛋 兩隻
片糖 5克
鹽 適量
薑 兩片
茄汁 一湯匙
栗粉水 1湯匙
蔥花 適量
白飯 一碗


  1. 番茄洗淨,每個切成8片,備用。
  2. 鍋裏下油,中火煮熱油後,雞蛋打勻下鍋,煎至七成熟的厚蛋片,盛起備用。
  3. 鍋裏下薑片,煎至聞到香氣後,下番茄略炒,放冰糖,將火力較低少許,加蓋煮一會,待糖融化,炒勻並挑出薑片。番茄煮至軟爛,加入茄汁及鹽炒勻,加入雞蛋略略拌炒,加栗粉水炒勻至醬汁略稠,舖在白飯上,隨喜撒上蔥花即可。


高湯 500毫升 (做法可參考這裏
洋蔥 100克
甘筍 25克
白蘿蔔 25 克
本菇 25克
白味噌 1湯匙


  1. 洋蔥、甘筍及白蘿蔔切粗絲,加入高湯,煮約15分鐘至軟身,加入本菇,再煮兩分鐘。
  2. 熄火後,加入味噌拌勻即可。

Spicy Chicken and Eggplant Stir Fry

Chicken thigh meat 130g
Eggplant 120g
Salt koji 1 teaspoon
Cornflour 1 big heap spoon
Spicy Douban Sauce 1 teaspoon
Cornflower slurry 1 tablespoon
Oil ¾ cup


  1. Pat dry the chicken, cut it into bite size, mix it with salt koji and marinate for 30 minutes.
  2. Wash and dry the eggplants, cut both ends and roll cut it.
  3. Pour the oil in a pan, filling it to 1 cm deep. Heat up the oil over medium heat and put the eggplants in. When the sides facing down turn golden, turn it over. Take the eggplants out when they turn golden on all sides.
  4. While deep-frying the eggplants, coat the chicken with cornflour. After the eggplants are taken out, put the chicken in, and deep fry it over medium heat. When the sides facing down turn golden, turn it over. Take the chicken out when they turn golden on all sides.
  5. Empty the pan, put the eggplant and chicken back to the pan, add the Douban sauce and give it a quick stir. Add the slurry and stir fry until every piece of the food are evenly coated. As the spiciness and saltiness of Douban sauce varies from brand to brand, adjust the portions to your liking.

Tomato and Egg Stir Fry

Tomato 300g
Egg 2 pieces
Raw cane sugar slab 5g
Salt To taste
Ginger 2 slices
Ketchup 1 tablespoon
Cornflour slurry 1 tablespoon
Diced spring onion To taste
Cooked Rice 1 bowl


  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into 8 wedges each.
  2. Add oil to the pan, heat it up over medium heat, fully beaten the eggs and pour the egg into the pan. Cooking it to a thick and fluffy till 70% done. Set it aside.
  3. Put the ginger into the hot pan. When you smell the ginger fragrance, add the tomato and give it the stiry. Add the sugar, lower the heat and cooking it for a while with the lid on. When the sugar is melted, give the tomato a stir and remove the ginger slices. When the tomato is cooked to mushy, add the ketchup and season with salt. Add the egg back in and give it a quick and gentle mix. Add the slurry and cook till the sauce is thickened. Pour the tomato and egg onto a bowl of hot rice, sprinkle some spring onion if you wish.

Miso Soup

Dashi 500ml (Refer to this for recipe)
Onion 100g
Carrot 25g
Turnip 25 g
Shimeji Mushroom 25g
White Miso Paste 1 tablespoon


  1. Slice the onion, and thickly shred the carrot and turnip. Put them into the dashi and cook for 15 minutes until they turn soft. Put the shimeji in and cook for 2 more minutes.
  2. Turn off the heat and mix in the miso paste until the paste completely melts.

Jo Liu

It’s raining outside, crisp and bleak. Three chubby sparrows took shelter on my balcony and I gave them the baguette bits left on my breakfast plate but they flew away. I stayed in, played Damien Rice on vinyl and made apple crumble. Repeat.

Instagram: foodialoguehk
